VUR Physician Locator
Find a VUR doctor (Pediatric Urologist) near you.
What kind of doctor should you see for VUR?
If your child has vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) or has symptoms similar to those of VUR such as recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) accompanied by a fever, a specialist can help. A pediatric urologist is the specialist you would see for VUR.
What is a pediatric urologist?
Pediatric urologists are doctors who provide specialty care to diagnose, treat and manage children’s conditions affecting the kidneys, bladder, urethra or genital tract. He or she has completed a residency in an approved urology training program, a formal fellowship in pediatric urology and is board-certified or board-eligible in urology. VUR is a common condition that pediatric urologists treat. They use equipment specially designed for children, creating a comfortable and non-threatening environment for your child. These VUR specialists are best equipped to answer your questions about VUR.
Names and details are provided for your information only. Decisions regarding choice of physician and treatment options are a patient’s responsibility, as is all communication and interaction with listed medical professionals. Any information you send to a physician is not covered by our Privacy Policy. The physicians on this list pay no fee for inclusion. Some physicians on this list may provide consulting services to the company, and/or may be a party to a co-marketing agreement with Palette Life Sciences Palette makes no representations or warranties regarding the skill of the physicians or the quality of their outcomes. You and your physician must determine if treatment with Defulx is right for you.
All licensed Pediatric Urologists in the U.S. are eligible to be listed on the Find a Doctor (FAD). If you are not listed and would like to be, or have a change in address, please notify us through our “contact” page.
Pediatric Urologists included in the Distinguished Deflux Provider Program (“DDP”) have achieved a higher level of training with Deflux and demonstrated a commitment to exemplary care for children suffering from VUR. Requirements to achieve the DDPdesignation are as follows: Maintain proficiency by utilizing 18 syringes per year. Participate in yearly educational content to maintain up to date on best practices.